11:10 AM


Ines Aramburo

Journalism Exchange Student at the University of King's College
Communication Sciences Student at the Autonomous University of Baja California
(UABC) Ensenada, Mexico


Ines Aramburo / ineshula@hotmail.com


About Project Vital / Project Summary

Project VITAL will engage journalism students in the exploration of a significant environmental issue.  It is a fact of life that North America’s near 500 million people must have clean, safe drinking water. But how will North America accomplish the task of providing Life’s Essential Liquid for its citizens? The answer to this question will be multivariate and complex, with issues around water use and preservation being different in the geographical climes of each of VITAL partners. Further, the future of water is tied to the overarching issue of global warming. Separating the two issues may not be possible or even practical in some instances, and therefore the partners may choose to link both at the same time in designing a forum or symposium, while students may propose to connect the issues for their individual projects.

VITAL will feature student projects specific to the topic area, student exchanges, a series of partner developed forums on the topic, and the creation of a website to share information and publish student work.

The media plays a crucial role in the dissemination of information to the public. This task is becoming increasingly more complex with the proliferation of information sources on the Internet, many thousands of which are misleading or inaccurate. Journalism students of today will become the reporters and editors of the future, which will undoubtedly be a future where news on the environment could become the dominant domestic issue on our continent.

VITAL will help prepare the students at the partner institutions by providing them with some insight into the issues, as well as contacts in the scientific community, and the vocabulary required to understand what can be complex material. VITAL will also connect our students to the same issue in each country underscoring the fact that while each is unique and sovereign, Canada, the United States and Mexico also share a continental burden in resolving serious questions about environment.